Why we're here

We know that channel leaders need confidence that the partnerships you spend time on will get you the results you need. Partner Elevate's Investible Partner platform gives these channel leaders reliable partnerships that will consistently contribute to their success, by programmatically identifying early winners that will grow to become Investible Partners in any ecosystem. 

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Who we are

Des Russell

Chief Partnerships Officer

Ben Shapiro

Managing Director

Hannah Hall-Brown

Marketing Director

Tania Hatchman

Finance Director

Words we live by

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Succeed through people

We strive to be reliable, supportive and get the best out of our teams. We leave ego at the door. 


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Build self-sufficiency

We empower other to learn the process so they become the advisor to their teams. Every interaction with us demonstrates progress. 

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Be abundant

We don't use our knowledge to take advantage, instead we make everyone smarter from what we learn. We use data to illuminate.

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Keep the game alive

We think infinitely, making sure we can always re-invent for us and for others.

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Be trustworthy

We maintain integrity of data, community and the results and outcomes we deliver for our customers. 



Latest Insights

Microsoft ISV Wych Money create full pipeline of core customers with Partner Elevate

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Why Sales & Marketing alignment is a must do, and must have for Microsoft Partners

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State³ uncover new industry focus and create evolutionary shift for the business with Partner Elevate

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